
Zu den wichtigen Kommunikationskanälen gehört auch das PVC-Bulletin. Der Newsletter erscheint monatlich in englischer Sprache und informiert rund 2.500 Mitarbeiter der europäischen PVC-Industrie per E-Mail über aktuelle Themen sowie Angebote von VinylPlus Deutschland.

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Strengthen Recycling – Meeting on 6th September in Porta Westfalica

PVC recycling is becoming increasingly important, not only due to general statutory requirements such as the European Circular Economy Package with its own plastic strategy but also due to the targets set for the European PVC industry by the VinylPlus Commitment. Our successful series of „PVC Recyclers Meet PVC Processors“ events gives you the opportunity […]

BAuA Publishes Information on „Hazardous Products 2017“

The German Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) recently published its report on „Hazardous Products 2017“. One of the features of the BAuA’s product safety report, which is published on an annual basis, is a statistical analysis of the alerts released by the European rapid alert system RAPEX. In reference to 2016, the […]

Construction Work on Temporary Buildings for the Climate Conference Begins

Two weeks ago, construction work on the temporary buildings for the International Climate Change Conference (COP 23), which will take place from 6th to 17th November 2017, has begun at the Rheinaue park in Bonn. The Federal Republic of Germany is supporting the Republic of Fuji, which holds presidency of the conference, as the technical […]