
VinylPlus Advertorial in „Kommunalwelt“ Magazine

In June, the virtual municipal congress of the Kommunalpoltische Vereinigung der CDU und CSU Deutschland (KPV) took place in Berlin. Thomas Hülsmann, Managing Director of VinylPlus Deutschland, was a panel speaker at the online event and presented the role of the European PVC industry voluntary commitment and sustainable PVC building products in achieving the climate targets at the Sustainability Forum.

The new issue of Kommunalwelt magazine was published a few days ago. Among other things, the statements of the discussion participants are summarised. In addition, VinylPlus Deutschland was able to place another advertorial in the magazine as part of the VinylPlus communication projects in order to present action areas and targets of the new VinylPlus 2030 sustainability programme to these important stakeholders.

Soft PVC Campaign: Advertorial in „Outdoor-Magazin“

An advertorial for the Soft PVC Communication Campaign has been published in the July issue of „Outdoor-Magazin“. The article was produced by AGPU Media and promotes the benefits of PVC-coated fabrics, from lightweight tents for camping right through to innovative circus roofs.

After receiving positive feedback on advertorials for PVC products in green public procurement that have already been published on multiple occasions as part of a joint communication project with VinylPlus, the steering committee has now decided to publish several advertorials on selected topics to accompany its well-established advertising motifs.

If you would like to find out more about the other measures and projects involved in the campaign or contribute to the campaign yourself in order to ensure that soft PVC products continue to be the number one choice among decision-makers both now and in the future, please feel free to contact us. AGPU Managing Director, Thomas Hülsmann, will be happy to provide you with all the details.